Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Simple Household Tips to Cut-down on Electricity Costs!

Heavy electricity bills sealed in envelopes make us cringe every month. As the costs for even the most basic utilities begin to rise, people are looking for ways to cut down on electricity costs. Here is how you can do it:

First, you wish switch Incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps and bulbs. However, initial cost will be higher, but it will cut-down on energy consumption drastically. Using CFL you can save you to 75% energy, also they have longer shelf life than regular lamps.

To ensure you do not leave exhaust fan running after shower, install a timer so that the fan turns off automatically after you leave the bathroom.

Unplug your cell phone charger when not using it, as it continues to consume electricity, even while not in usage.

Clean your refrigerator and the coils at the back routinely, because the compressor has to work harder if there is accumulated dust at the back, resulting in more power consumption.

Get your furnace and air conditioning inspected for efficiency at the start of every season, if it is more than three years old.

In summers, install ceiling fans and try to use air conditioning as minimum as possible. Get your furnace air filters checked every month, because clogged furnace has to work harder to produce heat, resulting in more electricity consumption.

Hope above tips will help you in saving energy. Visit website for Home Energy Audit on regular intervals.

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